Create greatness in every conversation. Sharing made simple.

ROOT CRM is the first-ever all-in-one platform that will give you the tools, support and resources you need to succeed with your ROOT business. We’re in the business of helping you grow yours.

ROOT CRM - All-in-One Marketing Platform
ROOT CRM - all-in-one marketing platform

Software Designed to Work For You

ROOT CRM was designed with three goals in mind: simplify the sharing process, maximize your social influence, and make your business thrive – thus giving you back valuable time. While managing leads, automating follow up, and nurturing your prospects & customers more effectively than ever, ROOT CRM is a trusted all-in-one marketing platform.

automation workflows

Automated Intimacy

The true value of ROOT CRM is its ability to be a workhorse for you and your business by automating follow up without sacrificing personality. Your new workflows engine handles tasks that take up valuable time and do them for you. The sky is the limit with automated workflows, which include:

AI + Human Hybrid Conversations

Following up and communicating with your leads can be a full time job. Free up your workload with dynamic automated replies. Speed up your response time (make it instant) with every new lead and only jump in when you want to. Enjoy the freedom & lifestyle your ROOT business affords, confident that every lead is being handled with intention.

Automated SMS text chat

Appointment Booking

With ROOT CRM, manage your prospecting & customer calls with your brand new appointment engine. All you have to do is set your available times and we’ll automatically schedule appointments for you without any extra work on your end! It also works seamlessly with Google Calendar, iCal, and many other platforms, so working around your busy schedule will never be an issue.

Sales Pipeline

With your intuitive sales pipeline, you can instantly know where each lead is at any point on their customer journey and follow up with them accordingly with automated emails, marketing campaigns, text messages and calls.

Sales Pipeline - ROOT CRM
One-Click Share Funnels

One-Click Share Funnels

Deploy the latest sales funnel in a single click. Put the ROOT HQ marketing team to work for you and instantly publish approved share funnels. Then simply share the link and let the funnel do the rest of the work. Copy. Publish. Share.

Conversations That Convert

Manage all of your conversations in a single place. Whether you’re working from your laptop, or using our LeadConnector mobile app to reply to prospects & customers on the go, save time while investing back into the most important part of your ROOT business — relationships.

Conversations That Convert

Value that surpasses price

ROOT CRM is an all-in-one marketing platform that brings together the best features from other leading platforms into one place. This means you can accomplish what would take 9 different subscriptions, for much less money than if you used them all separately ($1,200/mo value) – and it’s all in one easy-to-use platform! 

Discover what ROOT CRM can do for you and your business.

Want to learn more about the platform that helps create the most successful affiliate businesses on the planet?

We are excited to connect with you and hear about your business. Schedule your 15-minute call below.